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Trape Intro:- Trape is a OSINT (Open Source Intelligence Tool) is a tracking tool in which you can execute social engineering attack in a real time, ethical hacking specialists clarifies. It was created with the goal of to tell the world that how an attacker can obtain confidential info such as victim location beyond their IP addresses without knowing the victim.
Ethical hacking researcher of International Institute of Cyber Security says that Trape can obtain many things about the victim and can be used in mass level of hacking attacks.
Trape has been tested in Kali Linux to show you.
type git clone https://github.com/jofpin/trape.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
Unlike the other scripts like Metasploit, Trape is controllable on the web.(It's beginner friendly!)But first, execute the script.You can execute the script by :
python trape.py -u URL -p PORT
Don't type it exact as mine.In the PORT, put your port.The link to lure the victims, The control panel link, and the access key to it.
If you think that the victims will think suspicious, then you can shorten the link using bit.ly, ad.fly, all those things.
Now, copy and paste the Control Panel link on the web.
And put the access key it gave you in the terminal.Let me just copy and paste that.
And send the link to the victim.Takes a bit of social engineering, I sent it to my brother
In the Attacks Hook button next to the Information, you can download files and send messages and do stuff!
If you want to hack the victim's device perfectly, you can make a website and make the victim redirect to your website, you can just let the victim download a payload made by Metasploit and take control completely!